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Well, being home early I was doing some voyerism over a cup of coffee, as you do. Just having a look at the video Adds and just had to post this. iandkmf must get 10/10 for the most entertaining video introduction on the site. I do have to make the comment that they must be totaly barking. (no offence ment) Love to know other comments, perhaps admin could offer a prize for most entertaining... could have our own oscars Rich :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Post edited 01-03-2006 11:26
Yes I know I cant spell..!!!!!!!!! :fury: Hey but I can entertain the girls... :P Post edited 01-03-2006 11:26
[quote user=rich23102]Yes I know I cant spell..!!!!!!!!! :fury: Hey but I can entertain the girls... :P Post edited 01-03-2006 11:26[/quote] Hi Rich Yes I for aggree they are barking and they dont mind you saying so as they are the first to say so themselves. As to the spelling dont worry my keyboard cant spell either lol :lol: :lol:
Absolutely brilliant! Typical of Ian and Dee's pythonesque humour. Definitely brought a smile to my face this evening! Be sure to check out the video for delectable_dee (Ian and Dee's other profile). But keep a clean pair of underwear at the ready before doing so - 'cause you'll pee yourself laughing! Oh, and almost forgot to mention......sound is required! PS: Dee - you owe me 77p. My copy of the Radio Times just cost me 80p! Unless it was the Coronation 1953 edition you were talking about......... lol Post edited 01-03-2006 20:39
As having the distinct pleasure of having met this lovely cpl on a few occassions now ...... i can confirm they are totally mad !! ..... and completely lovely and nutty... as i once told them they are a cpl who are like a riddle, inside a conundrum, wrapped in an enigma ( altho dee did ask why she they were wrapped in a medicine inserted up ur backside !! lol ) Their video antics aren't just limited to webcam..... they press ganged me into making a vidoe with them and i just hope it never see's the light of day ..... as it would make a fortune !!! lol xxx. So be warned, if you ever get the chance to meet these nutters ..... take plenty of tapes with you !! Love the nutters to bits .... and you can't teach what they are !!! xxxxxx
[quote user=swingin_cat]Absolutely brilliant! Typical of Ian and Dee's pythonesque humour. Definitely brought a smile to my face this evening! Be sure to check out the video for delectable_dee (Ian and Dee's other profile). But keep a clean pair of underwear at the ready before doing so - 'cause you'll pee yourself laughing! Oh, and almost forgot to mention......sound is required! PS: Dee - you owe me 77p. My copy of the Radio Times just cost me 80p! Unless it was the Coronation 1953 edition you were talking about......... lol Post edited 01-03-2006 20:39[/quote] :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Cheers Cat.... have just had a peek, god that pineapple must have smarted, did dee have some extra pierceings after swinging those around. Take it coconut's were out of season.. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Post edited 03-03-2006 13:04
Hi you guys Sorry for a late reply to this thread but have only just returned from a lengthy stint within very small boxes courtesey of her majesty. The story we shall leave for another day (that'll be a fun story to tell, lol) but worth waiting for. Dale, as you know that press gang is also for another day and god forbid it making the "Personals" headlines lol. It is a treasured moment that we can still piss ourselves laughing at, thanks to your unrivalled sense of humour..... boy, wouldnt that set the cat amongst the pidgeons. We have tried to upload a rather silly new video but alas the option under "your videos" keeps coming up error!! lol..... damn we had a good one but it will have to wait for the html to be sorted.
[quote user=iankmf]Hi you guys Sorry for a late reply to this thread but have only just returned from a lengthy stint within very small boxes courtesey of her majesty.[/quote] You were lucky to have a box! We used to have to live in a hole in't middle of the road, or a septic tank if we were lucky.... .....and you tell that to the kids of today, and they won't believe you! lol
Our Dad used to murder us in cold blood every morning!
[quote user=redwhiteandblue]Our Dad used to murder us in cold blood every morning![/quote] Ahhhh did he eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.... :lick: :lick: fththththththththththhhhhhsssssssssssssss :devil:
[quote user=rich23102][quote user=redwhiteandblue]Our Dad used to murder us in cold blood every morning![/quote] Ahhhh did he eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.... :lick: :lick: fththththththththththhhhhhsssssssssssssss :devil:[/quote] No he used to slice them in two with a breadknife! But we were eternally lucky...... we used to have to get up half an hour before we went to bed, work 26 hours down mill for thruppence every four years then do the forementioned and dance on our graves singin hallelujah, and I agree swingin_cat the kids of today if you were to tell them wouldnt believe you... lol (said in an outrageous yorkshire accent!) Post edited 04-03-2006 20:10
[quote user=iankmf][quote user=rich23102][quote user=redwhiteandblue]Our Dad used to murder us in cold blood every morning![/quote] Ahhhh did he eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.... :lick: :lick: fththththththththththhhhhhsssssssssssssss :devil:[/quote] No he used to slice them in two with a breadknife! But we were eternally lucky...... we used to have to get up half an hour before we went to bed, work 26 hours down mill for thruppence every four years then do the forementioned and dance on our graves singin hallelujah, and I agree swingin_cat the kids of today if you were to tell them wouldnt believe you... lol (said in an outrageous yorkshire accent!) Post edited 04-03-2006 20:10[/quote] So Ian you were overpaid even in those days lol :lol: :lol:
[quote user=ur4it][quote user=rich23102' Ahhhh did he eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti[/quote] No they were Albatross flavour (bloody, bleeding albatross flavour) .....but that was a completely different sketch[/quote] Do you get wafers with it?
Eehhhh you guys were lucky!! At bedtime our dad used to thrash us dead and then thrash us back to life, make us sleep in cardboard box in ta middle of road, we had to lick road clean before breakfast before he fed us on coal!! And that was when he was happy!!...Mind you the Fast Show 'We lived in hole in ground, in the fog.........with an........Owl!! works for us too!!
Now Ive got this dead Parrot...... :moon: