How many of you guys get a stiff on when you shave your knob? I do every time.
A classic "Foot in mouth" moment from CC....
Hmmm... has that opened the door to a thread about foot fetishes now!?!?
too late CC hehe. Not as bad as the quiz you took today on FB though. What was it again... I forget? Do I have a nice something or other? lol
Mind you you're braver than me, I couldn't take the quiz for fear of the answer, although I'd love to know what questions it asked lol
Love as always mwahxxx
Mrs Cey :love:
Ceylon I remember the question on FB its a pity I cant answer it either.
Well Done CC, :lol2::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove:
I is confoosed :crazy: what is this thread about again???:crazy:
Oli...........from what I can gather...shaving knobs and quizes on FB whatever FB is :crazy: think i'm confused too :uhoh:
general uses veet says its
we must find the quiz on