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safe sex!

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Hi there, just thought I would ask other peoples opinions on something that has been bothering me a tad. We are totally open minded about all aspects of sex and the 'each to their own' thing but are genuinely shocked that in this day and age lots of people swing using no protection!! We all know it can ruin things a tad but still surely its worth it with the risks involved!!! Anyway, got it off my chest now, so onto you...... Post edited 05-09-2007 15:20
:clap: lilly i no you are a dirty bitch but i would never ever swing without using protection!!! i have a very happy life an many people in it that mean the world to me, so why risk it all for sex?? some people rather not use it but as you said each to there own, if people we met wanted to go 'raw' thats up to them but i hope that they would respect us enough to use it as thats what we want, an if they didnt, then thats there loss not mine! safe sex is a must!!! jena n jim xxxxxx
I personally know of 3 separate people, within the swinging fraternity, who, in the past few weeks have all contacted STI's. None use protection and they have all had to tell all sexual partners that they have contracted 'something nasty' One I know has had to contact at least 30 different gentlemen and a few women! Not using protection is NOT an option in our world. I've had men in clubs telling me tht they nevr use protection...... Bugger that!!!! No glove, no love. I also know someone else who doesn't use protection and I would never never never met or entertain any person she has had ANY sexual contact with. Unfortunately, as we move in the same circles, it is limiting my options severely. However,I'd rather have my health than herpes (or worse)
WOW,, it would never ever cross my mind 2 play bareback with any1,,, its just not worth it 4 either party!!!! with workin in a swingers club i have actually thrown a guy out 4 sayin he was wearin 1 & on the sly took it off,, the girl was heartbroken when she seen he had took it off!!!! guys say " IT DON,T FEEL THE SAME" well tuff shite guys there the only way 2 play so wear a hat & have fun. jxxxx
wow mad!! how bad is that!! i would be gutted if i had to get in contact with that many people i bet she now uses protection! jamie good on ya for throwing thew bastard out that would do that to some one! i hope these are both lessons that people will take notew of an in future think twice for a woman( or only me) it dont feel any different having a cap on it ribbed are nice i must admit lol but it dont make any difference to me, for jim he says it dont make much difference to him either (having to put a dustbinbag over his massive cock) lol but in the spear of the moment he would still use it an yes he has been beggend not to!
We have only been involved with 1 couple where the guy wanted to fuck without and frankly it was soooo not gonna happen... In 3 years of swing we have observed several couples do this at clubs and think it is bloody stoopid... Whilst we understand and know our own sexual history we could never, ever be 100% certain about others...and at the end of the day protection should benefit all involved... Take care, have fun, we do Jel & N xxx
we have to agree with most on this under no circumstances would we swing without protection it's just a no no. We are also surprised to hear that some decide not to use protection wejust assume that it is the norm to use it . so lesson learned another thing to discuss pre meets lol safety is deffo first n foremost and we just wouldn't go bareback so now you all know lol xxx der n fee :P
A subject close to my heart, so much so that I even mention it in my profile. This was because there were a couple of men that I have been with who were shocked when I stopped them to put a condom on. I am so stringent that I won\'t meet people who have pics on their profile that have penetration shots with no condom male or female. I couldn\'t care less if they say it is their partner either. All of that said. It really is each to their own and I respect people have their own criteria for meets. splendid :rainbow:
I was put in an awkward situation a few years ago on a meet. The man took the condom off as he said he couldnt ***.. AND SO WHAT !! I hid behind his wife and made her make him put it back on. Needless to say we have not met them again for this reason as safe sex is paramount I\'m with you all on this NO GLOVE NO LOVE ! :kick: xx kc xx
you cant risk it for a biscut its that simple.
I agree with every thing that has been said before. We are new to this and just want to ask if you ladies insist on one been woren for blow jobs ?
Having read up on such things when we first started and although it is something that troubled us at first, we now accept the marginal risk associated with oral sex in Jel sucking guys or us both licking women. And we have never been with another couple or fem that took an alternative view regarding oral... Take care, have fun Jel & N xxx
personally I dont like anything to be worn for oral and have not heard of anyone who does. Now maybe thats me being naive!! Tasting is another matter altogether lol mmmmmmmmmm
We\'ve only had one meet so far (with a single guy) but the mention of a condom was never brought up. Jeanne and I had discussed before that he wouldn\'t go all the way anyway but he tried, which I put a stop too very quickly. He was very annoyed about it. We have now decided that condoms are a must for sex, but oral is okay. Carl and Jeanne xx
Ohhh just to add, we do keep flavoured condoms within the swing \'goodie bag\' in case we meet a couple or fems that require for BJ\'s... Be prepared??, Baden-Powell would roll in his
As I Bi male I have often troubled myself in the question of oral gloved or not.. Given gum related issues and oral hygine , unless its a long term partner after health screens I also insit on yummy strawberrys for this to.. am I paranoid .. perhaps but you only have one go around on this planet.
:clap:Brujah, Chad ere as a straight male, :clap::clap::clap: life is tooooooo short. Well said P.S do u like my boots rotflmao
This just struck home,after all those B/Js in the past,not sure i`d do another 1 now,but when you`ve had a few drinks you tend to relax & not defo had protection.
ffs im just gettin to grips with the smelly things and would love to have sex without them. never used them before we started this sexy scene,never had the need ( married too long ) we have had hell of a job practisin and its not been easy , but if we are to shag other peeps then its a must both ways lol surely though you don\'t need a condom on for a bj ffs or to fiddle with the wobbly bits with ya tongue,no thats impossible anyway we don\'t and we love it hint hint lilly
[quote user=lillyandchad]:clap:Brujah, Chad ere as a straight male, :clap::clap::clap: life is tooooooo short. Well said P.S do u like my boots rotflmao[/quote] i allways like boots... yum
I`ve had a rethink since my last reply,dont think i can suck a cock with rubber gloves on.
Some years ago I worked in a GU clinic when I was a nurse. I can tell you from what I saw and heard that youre not always safe (in fact most of the time youre not) when performing unprotected oral sex. If the recipient or giver has had an STI in the past or recently (depending on which STI) they can pass on the infection (dormant or otherwise) to you. It occurs if either person has broken skin around the genitals (the receiver) or oral health problems (the giver). It can also get passed through semen and vaginal fluids. You are not going to know unless you do a full examination of the other persons mouth and genitals, which I don\'t think will ever happen when youre swinging! The only way to be completely safe is to use protection for both oral and penetrative sex (especially anal). Im not trying to worry anyone, but when youve seen what Ive seen it could put you off for life! Luckily it didnt put me off, but I am very, very careful. Love to all xx P.S. Im not always this serious LOL

My GF and I have never swung before, but eventually would like to try swapping (different room).
Thing is we both hate condoms, but don't want to get an STI so was wondering if couples would be happy with this, if there was the proviso that all 4 undertake a STI test before the meet?