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Need convincing....

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Hey all! We have been members on the site for a while now and have found a new website and are considering making the Leeds Social our farewell do.... We used to spend a lot of time on here and, well, maybe we are just catching up with previous threads, we think that the site has changed so much and not really for the better. From our experience the chatroom now is either full of 'hello's or 'goodbyes' and a lot of people don't seem to chat in the room. Webcams are mostly single guys having a play (okay perhaps a bit more!!!) and it used to be fun doing a '9 o'clock cock count'. That bit never bothered us until H started getting whispers of 'Look'. She is the biggest advocate of each to their own but ..well.. there seems to be no respect that we all bang on about. If we wanted to look, (and those people so know who they are) we would thank you very much. We send e-mails to 'newbies' who don't respond to us (maybe we are feaks or it just us???) and to be fair we are kind of fed up of that too. More irritating is the people who bang on about how they want a meet and never take the time to do so. The days of whiling a way a sunday in the chatroom having a good laugh (and not just about the naughty stuff) seems to be a distant memory. We have tonnes of friends from here and some of them are private friends now too. Is there anything we should stay for? As I say, although the grass maybe greener elsewhere, the 'other place' we have found seems to have a lot more outgoing members who are serious and not just there for what we lovingly call 'the brag factor'. We will still be here certainly for the Leeds Meet 2010, but after that we are unsure.... Convince us!!!!! :giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup: worship:worship::worship::worship: H&P
Hmmm this is my point exactly..... 8 veiws no replies and hardly anyone reads these and adds anymore.... :fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury:
Hi guys, We know exactly where you are coming from with this thread, we have only been back about 4 weeks after a while away, and it has been really hard work during that time. People send messages, and when you reply to them, you never see or hear from them again ( unlesss they want to see our private pics ). With the chatroom, it's great when you have the right mix of people in there talking about all sorts of things, but on the slow days, 30 or so minutes can go by without a single person talking. If Mrs Tee goes on cam, a lot of people watch and we might get is the odd ' hi, are you getting your tits out ' from someone, but apart from that, very little else sometimes. Yesterday afternoon was a prime example. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a great time, it's always sad when good members leave, but we understand fully. Happy swinging wherever it may be. Tee & Cee x :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
we're a week into our 5th year here Crystals and have to say that we agree 100%. Quite honestly I have more fun on fb and to be honest more flirty fun goes on on there too. I went into the chatroom at the other night. There were 50 people in there with only 4 people chatting (if you can call it chat) I was astounded. We remember the days where there used to be 100 plus peeps in the room and as for convo's, well you could not keep up if anything. Used to be such a laugh....I think Admin just took way too long to listen to the paying masses and reply to requests let alone action them. This, I believe is why the all important chatroom side of the site has gone downhill. Sorry Admin... but fact x Mrs Cey :love:
[quote user=crystalpd]Hmmm this is my point exactly..... 8 veiws no replies and hardly anyone reads these and adds anymore.... :fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury:[/quote] Not many people on in the middle of the day!!! Chillax! biggrin And,,,,, I say stay and maybe not take it quite so seriously.. that's easy for me to say as a non-swinger I know but.. isn't it meant to be a bit of a hobby type thing? Just stay, have fun, if you aren't having fun - back away from it for a while until it's a novelty again smile
What is with all these threads of late of people moaning about the site and asking others opnion on whether they should stay or not??? If you don't like SP or are a bit fed up with it then move on... simples. There are other ways to keep in contact with all the friends you have made on here and you don't need other people to tell you why you should/shouldn't stay on here. But in the year and a half I have been on here this site has been like anything else in life - it has its peaks and troughs. I am pretty much taking a break from being an 'active' member on this site as such, although I may pop into the chatroom occasionally and put my two cents in the forums. But I have decided to take that break due to university and a well overdue long trip home to Australia at the end of the year. Hence I need some extra time to concentrate on my studies so I can actually have that long break over Christmas. Yes SP maybe in one of it's troughs at the moment rather then a peak - but get over it. Maybe all you need is a break from it and concentrate on other things in your life for awhile. Maybe it could even be that it's not the site that's stuck in a rut but as it has become so familiar and such a part of some of our lives that we have become a bit bored with the same old, same old. Like I said, it's like everything else in life. No one really needs anyone to tell them whether they should stay or go. The fact that you even felt the need to ask really answers your own question. Stop whinging. Oli rant over. bolt
3 replies in 5 minutes there - you need to allow for the time of day!
lol Oli you having a bad day hun? bolt I remember you having a good old whinge in these forums not that long ago hun kiss and.... sorry but I stand my ground... never seen a trough this low before on here.
No having a good day actually Cey! You know me - I just like a good rant. It gets me juices flowing lol
[quote user=ceylon1]we're a week into our 5th year here Crystals and have to say that we agree 100%. Quite honestly I have more fun on fb and to be honest more flirty fun goes on on there too. I went into the chatroom at the other night. There were 50 people in there with only 4 people chatting (if you can call it chat) I was astounded. We remember the days where there used to be 100 plus peeps in the room and as for convo's, well you could not keep up if anything. Used to be such a laugh....I think Admin just took way too long to listen to the paying masses and reply to requests let alone action them. This, I believe is why the all important chatroom side of the site has gone downhill. Sorry Admin... but fact x Mrs Cey :love:[/quote] Filthy fun on FB, where i seem to be missing it, But i do have to agree i think there can be a bit more tame fun there smile Oh yes and Mr and Mrs Crystals when is that spanking coming from the dribbly one :):):):):):):):) Love you guys. xxxxx
okey cokey Oli :thumbup:
(Mrs Ceylons qoute) I went into the chatroom at the other night. There were 50 people in there with only 4 people chatting (if you can call it chat) I was astounded. We remember the days where there used to be 100 plus peeps in the room and as for convo's, well you could not keep up if anything. Mrs Ceylon those were the "Good Times",not anymore tho. Crystals I get the " get your tits out Debs I need a wank " in whispers but I just say no or not on cam. You`ll be a loss to the site both of you,but if your finding its not your thing then as Midgie says wait till its a novelty again.
CC I said flirty not filthy fun :giggle::giggle::giggle: mind you in saying that, if they had a cam facility, there may well be some filthy fun going on in there as well!!!! :grin:
Cey you know CC.... flirty/filthy... all the same to her!!! lol
oooooo what 'do'? :bounce:
OLI Thought Mrs Ceylons was one of your FB friends?
[quote user=oliviak]Cey you know CC.... flirty/filthy... all the same to her!!! lol[/quote] Oi im a good girl you know, I even turned down a shag tonight cause i couldnt be bothered smile Not i want one, oh well best go have a wank :) xxxxx
[quote user=ceylon1]CC I said flirty not filthy fun :giggle::giggle::giggle: mind you in saying that, if they had a cam facility, there may well be some filthy fun going on in there as well!!!! :grin:[/quote] I think it was just wishful thinking on my behalf smile
can i just say i was in chat last night till well late, well about 11ish, and i only left then cause i was tipsy :-o:-o Had a great giggle and no i didnt ask anyone to get there cock out, (i think) xxxxxxxx
Just to get back on topic slightly .... ;) Crystals - I know what you mean right now, but I have to say I agree with Oli. Having been on this site for 5 years nearly now, it's not the first time that its popularity has briefly dipped. Personally, I'm finding that I'm making new friends in the more recent joiners - there is less chat just now, that's true, but I think once more newbies have settled in and got to know each other more then it will pick up again (as it has in the past). In fact, I'd say that those remaining "older hands", shall I say, owe it a bit to the site to keep it going through slightly leaner times. If everyone with a bit of experience chucks in the towel when things get a bit dull, then there's every chance things will stay dull. The site is what we make of it, and I for one have no intention of leaving - and I hope you two will stay as well. You guys, and a good many others, are amongst my favourite people of all, and I'd be very sad indeed if you left ! Suds xxx
Oli it was mine and Mr Ceys 10th Wedding Anniversary and I got spoilt rotten in more ways than one hehe Debs thanks we had a lovely time xxxxxxxxx
[quote user=Madam_CC]can i just say i was in chat last night till well late, well about 11ish, and i only left then cause i was tipsy :-o:-o Had a great giggle and no i didnt ask anyone to get there cock out, (i think) xxxxxxxx[/quote] I obviously keep picking the wrong nights then.. typical. :devil:
To be fair... one the other site we try is altogether bigger and a lot more going on, yes even in the afternoon at 'that time' !!!. Oli, sorry and forgive me if we have taken your 'rant' the wrong way but this is another thing that drives us mad with the site. People who appear to think that just because people have different veiws then original person is obviousley barking up the wrong tree. In the words of my dad (god rest his soul) if you can't be nice don't be nasty. If you beleive we are whinging ..think that but as I have posted in other threads there are some great people on here and one of the reasons we have added this is because there are people on here been on a lot longer and we just what the benefit of their experience. We are not 'whinging' or 'moaning' it is a statement of fact as we see it. As I say, if it has been taken the wrong way then we apologise.
Wasn't being nasty... honest.:bounce: But it's like what Sudsy said. As so many good members have already jumped ship for whatever reason - either they got sick of waiting for admin to sort themselves out, or they just bored with the troughs, or whatever other reason - then this site is in a bit of the doldrums at the mo. But it's not going to get any better if people just keep leaving. We need to stay and it's up to all of us now to make things better. And I'm sorry but yes I do believe too many people have been whinging about the site. But this site is what us the paying active members make of it. Sitting back and saying that SP has gone downhill and turned to shite really isn't going to help anything. We all need to stand up and say ok, we are going through a bit of a bad patch, so lets all club together and get things back up again. No one can do that but us the users. Admin can only do so much. Ok they have made some long overdue improvements which is great, but they can't make people go in the chatroom and chat, or make them go to socials, or make people contribute to the forums. WE have to do that. WE have to make the effort to make things pick up again. These improvements have only just been rolled out by admin over the last month or so, so of course it will take a bit of time for people to get used to them and start using the benefits. So just give things a chance. I have noticed quite a few newbies come in the chatroom lately and that's great - new blood! But we need to give them a chance to settle in and get their head around the site. Crikey, I was terrified of the chatroom for the first month or 2 I was on here. So if they aren't actually talking right now try not to forget what it was like when we were newbies. So just be patient.
Oooh this is all a bit serious!!! It's a swinging site - it isn't anybody's life! It's a website - it's not your hometown! Just come on here have fun to whatever degree you want to and go get on with life, love, the universe, and everything! I don't see what the frettling about staying or going is all about meself. Personally I'm a 'go' when I've had enough person and I come back when I'm in the mood. :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy: *in the mood for dancing as it happens*
Yeah exactly Midgie you're spot on. Now let's dance!! :thrilled::wave2::happy:
:happy::thrilled::happy::thrilled::happy: ....Romancinnnn...Ooooooh...I'm givin it all tonight....... :giggle:
Oli.... couldn't agree more... I think there have been many good and bad times on here... and actually I have known it be a lot worse than it is right now, but for some when we felt like that, they disagreed coz the people they were very fond of were online.... Its all about the people you enjoy talking to. I remember going online some nights and doing nothing but taking the piss and laughing, in fact did it one day a couple of weeks ago (Thanks Max xxx) ... that doesnt happen much, but if you come on here moaning and talking about leaving it aint gonna happen at all!!
OK, OK. I'll admit it Crystals...I did look at the post earlier today. OK! OK! I'll admit it...I even started to add my pennies worth. But decided not to click the ADD button. God I am so weak! The truth is I didn't want to add just another negative to a site that's been getting a lot of that recently. Admin deserve a break and the active members need one too. But seeing the flurry of posts since then I guess I'd better add my pennies worth now. I agree with everyone here! How's that for fence sitting? But the truth is I do. Despite Admin's recent activity (barn door closing?) it has gone flat in here. Mr MWM prefers to use the forums (me writing now btw) and Mrs MWM likes it both ways (;) lol) and she has said that chat has died in the last few months. But we have been on this site for over 2 years now and we've seen exactly that slows down big time and then wakes up again after a few weeks of sod all interesting happening. For the record we have used (paid members) of 3 other sites but prefer SP and in terms of its use and features it scores pretty well. But we also are looking further afield . It's an interesting site with LOADS of active members - all over the world [i](might be useful when visiting Vegas next month me thinks)[/i] but it also has it's problems. Move or not move? Hmmm, who knows - we might and we might not. But I can tell you now the MWM's wont be posting on that subject. We'll just change the profile to a headline of "having a break" and get on with the new site for a while. That's not to say we feel it's wrong or anything to post along those lines. It's a free world, you do what you want. All said and done any publicity is good publicity [i](unless you are TrueScorpio...where'd he go?)[/i]. End of.................or is it? :bounce: