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Member of the month categories

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[color="darkred"]How will it stop couples and single females getting unwanted single male attention exactly? Don't think they're all going to run off and hassle the M.O.M. Single males??? lol It is a good idea though True. Maybe one day mate lol [/color] ;) ;)
[color="darkred"]Think you're right. There should be seperate MOMs.[/color]
NOt everything is a competition tho, swinging for us is more of a blending thing rotflmao
To be fair... "Member" of the month sounds like it should be a Single Male comp anyway! :P :grin:
:clap::clap::clap: Haven't even thought of it that way
Ohhh...don't get me start on MOM, but now that you have... MOM is a Marketing Tool. As it is on the home page and one of the first things that people see when they log on (members and, importantly for the site, non-members) it is crucial for the site to have a certain look portrayed. As such, MOM will have very little to do with popularity and far more to do with having a) a very attractive female and b) lots of pictures in the public domain. Sorry to be boring but, this site is all about revenue generation for those who run it, and as such, MOM is an important tactic. Here endeth the rant by the person who works in Marketing!
[color="darkred"]Well said Girl4, Very true! But can you blame them? Just gutted we didn't think of it first! lol[/color]
It sounds like a wish list to me, i can see it now next time i'me pervin, i'll have one of those and two of those please, gift wrapped rotflmao
Why doesnt everyone vote for True.. (seeing as he started this thread) if all of the regulars vote for him, SURELY he would end up MOM
As lovely as True is, I don't want to look at him for a month!! lol
What is the total vote for MOTM anyway? How many people vote? And what is the voting time span ie 1st of each month to the end of each month? Lining up to do more photos biggrin Or maybe I have missed a thread about it some where. Sarah xx
Aww G4 does that mean we were marketing material and not popular when we were MOM's :doh: To be honest, being chosen only got us innundated every day with mail from all and sundry, some nice, the majority not, guess thats what happens when ur not popular!:giggle:
You took the words right out of our mouths flights, wasn't what it's cracked up to be for us being MOTM and wouldn't want to do it again. Actually we found that the peeps we had been talking to to for some time didn't seem to want to talk any longer. Maybe they thought we had become unapproachable for some reason, who knows. Let's face it though, MOTM is based on the best pics around that month and not the personalities in general. So I have to agree with G4 on this one. Maybe it should be "Best piccies of the month" lol So come of single guys get shooting on some really hot pics and who knows you may well be the next MOTM and give us girls some eye candy at the same time hehehe. mwahxxxxx Ceylons
Us too, our mailbox looked like a cock forest every morning... ahh those we're the days ! I cant say we enjoyed it that much. I had nowt but abuse to be honest and dont wish to go there again.. True beware the old saying be careful what you wish for, sometimes a blessing is not what it seems. Ohh i am feeling phlisophical today :color: I am all for what Cey says though, more piccies guys, sexy sexy ones too pls :clap:
[quote user=truescorpio]The only way I can make myself hotter is if I set myself on fire biggrin Seriously though how about some pointers ladies, what makes a 'hot' pic?[/quote] Well all I can say is take a look at fun4u2me2's profile pics, now they are steaming :P, even if a tad graphic in places hehe. Although I always love to look at Dales piccies because he has a very fine torso and is a dab hand at taking very fine angled pics. To this day I will never know how he manages to stand on his head whilst performing oral sex on a lady lol. How he's not become MOTM as yet I don't know to be honest, a great fella to chat too as well as being a very very successful single male within this swinging world. Although True, I have to say, given what flights, me and KC have said, is it really worth it? Mrs C mwahxxxxxx
[quote user=truescorpio] Seriously though how about some pointers ladies, what makes a 'hot' pic?[/quote] True, I wasn't comparing you against anyone, who am I to judge anyway. We are all special in our own way to someone. However, you asked for an honest opinion and I gave mine. I merely picked fun's profile out as an example of some of the best or should I say artful piccies I've seen on a single males profile. Yes, he has a great body but I would still think the pictures were fab if he hadn't, if that makes sense lol. As for your statement on desires and to feel wanted and desired, I believe that applies to all of us whether SM, SF or couple. I apologise if I offended you. kiss Mrs C mwahxxx
I've always been puzzled by MOM. I've seen couples who haven't even been established being picked. It made me suspicious, so what being said makes sense. Wish I hadn't bothered voting for people now!
Oops, sorry Flights/KC...anyone else who has been MOM. When popularity co-incides with attractiveness and lots of pics us members are as happy as Admin are! As for what makes a good pic ... I think we all like different things. Some like naked pics, some go for faces, some for explicit stuff, and some the silly ones. I think it is hard to second guess other peoples' tastes so if we feel good about the pics of our own that we put on, they make us feel sexy, then if other people find it sexy that is great.
i have to say i think i would be kind of honoured to be MOTM, in saying that i have not experience it and then again maybe i wouldnt, i dont know, but my pics aint sexy enought so dont think i would be as my privates aint on full public display (and by private i mean pics and not my actual privates as obviously they are lol) xxx
wot a great idea, fingers crossed...
Separate catagories would be a good idea we feel, in the interests of fairness. As for the MOM concept itself, as a genuine couple it was something we were not overly comfortable with for our own reasons. Whereas we appreciated anyone who voted, whether it was because they liked the pics or because they enjoyed the chat and banter with us is irrelevant really, it's probably different for everyone and opinions will differ. Why do we have a MOM at all? who cares ... the fact is we do and congrats to whoever gets it ... it's just some people seek it and some people don't ... such is life lol
Awwhhhhh why thank you Cey ..... i have just stumbled over this thread, and what can i say ??!! Apart from i am HUGELY flattered and i can only hope my pics have bought you as much joy as you being on cam has for me !! hehehehehe xxxx My pics are just taken for fun really as that is what its all about as far as i am concerened ...... and yes, i do take most myself - apart from the obvious ones !! lol xxx I flatter myseelf with very little really apart from being a nice genuine guy and i only hope my profile reflects that. I have the exact same attitue to swinging today that i had when i started swinging four years ago and its my attitude to people and life in general ...... i mean why should this or yourself be any different. I am always hugely flattered that anyone wants to meet me and i only hope that is apperent in my repect for the female / couple and i always know in what respect i visit people in. As for MOTM ...... i am also afraid to say it smacks of more of a marketing tool to me as well ..... which is a shame - but hardly surprising !! It looks like a good concept but in reality it usually ends up being ill conceived .......anyone remember the good old ' star swingers ' section ??!! Say no more !! lol xxxx
[color="olive"]Exactly Fun! That Star Swingers idea was awful! Turned the site into a popularity contest! I think the whole mom thing should be totally scrapped!! We managed to boycott the Star Swinger thing. We can't boycott mom!![/color] :fuckinghell:
Bladdy hell S & N ...... i have just realised who you are again !!! DOH !! lol xxxx ........ well, i have been away for awhile !! Good to see some peeps still remember ' Star Swingers ' eh ??!! lol xxxxx Chat soon ya nutters - mwah xxxxx
WELLLLLLLLLLLLL, Iv got to say i loved bein Member Of The Month, yeah i got shite mail but i also got grrreeeat mail, it mite be a marketin tool but i dont giv a flyin fuck cus i loved it!! But i agree, id love to see a guy get it, openin up my puta everyday and seein a gorgeous, sexy guy smilin at me wud be yabbydoooodles!!:haha: Fun4, i luv ur pics, always hav, wish we had took sum now!!....doh....think i must bin the only meet uv eva had and neva took any..kiss..any1 wud think i was camera shy..........NOT!!rotflmao Funky as Fuck :P
LMAO funky ....... i have had LOADS of meets where i haven't taken pics - in fact i don't take pics on the majority of my meets ...... but i will let you make your own mind up about what that says !! lol xxx The bladdy thing was tho is that i DID have my digital camera and DV cam in my bag ...... but at least i remembered to give you the Kit Kat chunky's i bought for you maam !! hehehe xxx You are damn right too tho ....... i REALLY regret not getting pics of our meet too babe :doh: banghead But as for next time ............. GRRRRRRRR !! hehehehe mwah xxxxx
think it would be great m8, hope it happens !!
I'm not sure about categories, but we could try renaming it to say 'Bum of The Month' and see if that has any impact on how people vote.
:laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove: looks like the bricks answered you, true- does that mean that you are wrong about something?:bounce::bounce::bounce:
Ah MOM we are still completely confused why we ended up MOM this month, for one we are relatively new and secondly why the bloody hell were we voted just as we couldnt play... I call that cruelty!! Saying that it does mean you have to clear your messages out a whole lot more so its not all fun! I think we should have action categories...... gobble of the month, tease of the month, mega mouth lovers of the month you get my drift Ill crawl back to my corner now :P Sonia xxx