We will be still on until membership runs out, but not meeting due to me being in the family way. So still in chatroom to say hi and still able to perv at galleries for a few more months. So no swinging for a couple of years as i will be far to tired when it arrives. xxx
congratulations lac xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lac Hope all goes well for you both,Debs XX
Hey hey Lac hunni's xx
Congrats and best wishes to you guys for the future.
Take care, have fun
Jel & N
All the best guys and big congratulations to you both. We might still be here when you come back in a few years lol
mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxx ceylons
best wishes Lac.. will miss you here, see you in a few years, as u know we will all still be here
mwah MO XX
Ah thankyou to you all, you are all so kind. We will definitely be back in a couple of years, and hopefully so will allot of you. xxx