is it me or has anyone else noticed how some of the threads on here just deteriate into dribble ?
Yes dribble rather than the full spurt lol
Hey katndel hope your gonna clean up your dribble after us lol xxx
[quote user=katndel]is it me or has anyone else noticed how some of the threads on here just deteriate into dribble ?[/quote]
Rather like this one has already you mean...? :bounce:
my threads aint dribble....their jus full of
Or are we talking about dribble as in footballers but at least at the end they sometimes shoot:wank:
Yes, katndel, Ive noticed the dribble aswell, but it also surprises me how some of the most unlikely threads seem to run and biscuits!!! I wonder what that says about us all???? MMxx
dont blame the girls on all the dribbles, i know a few men that dribble too.
Who are they Miss CC???? I will be sure to stay away... :giggle:
You can see them on Cams most days
So anyway ... this dribbling ... you mean like homer simpson
when he see's doughnuts?
Dribbling thats what footballers do isn`t it, or do you mean lack of muscle control of the lips where spitel drools?