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my membership expires on 02/01/06, and i have no intention of renewing. the room is no fun anymore, whereas it used to be great, laugh a minute with some truly wonderful people, a few remain, but now, its being overtaken with the "scalp hunters" !! ohh, look who we have fucked, go see our pics in our profile, absolutely pathetic !!. would like to say a special goodbye to MAGIC 141,KINKY MINX,REDWHITEBLUE,CMANDCD,TAMCPL, and my own true favourite who i love dearly, and will miss terribly, my beloved rosie {COP}. please take this as my own personal goodbye to the above mentioned. and finally, before igo, a word to jelandn. you wonder why i never answer you in the room do you ?? well, cast your mind back 6 months, when i was in conversation with a cpl, youy butted in, and told me to fuck off !! thats why i cannot bew assed to answer you. !! anyway, good luck to you all, be happy and safe, wrighter xx
I'll miss you too xx We haven't chatted for a while but i always said hi when i saw you in room, if i didn't i'm sorry. You take care babe xxxxxx ps, not sure how long we staying either
After 2 months I'm on my way too although I have made one great contact in that time. My question is whether before joining, did any single males receive a very encouraging come-on from a single female who then ignored all the follow-up messages that I sent her. I've also had a similar approach with another site. Could it be the organisers have a few "shadow" females whoes job is to send out bait to catch us poor souls?! It will be interesting to see if they respond. More fool me I suppose but it would be interesting to hear others experience. All the best. Post edited 03-12-2005 9:34
puss, will miss you as well babe. will get monique from germany for you to devour, be warned tho, she is a nympho. take care xxxxxxxxxx
wrighter Just looked at your message and I whole heartly agree with you I used to chat to the one you mention and used to have a lot of bantter but that stopped the day I was told of by his other half.I also know he has upset a couple of the very nice ladies I have come to know on here I think it is a case of give and not hey like alwasy give enough rope and they will hang them selves. Although we didnt talk much I hope you have fun whever you decide to go.
thankx marc, im not alone then ? i will have fun i assure you. be happy m8
[quote user=foreverard]My question is whether before joining, did any single males receive a very encouraging come-on from a single female who then ignored all the follow-up messages that I sent her. I've also had a similar approach with another site. Could it be the organisers have a few "shadow" females whoes job is to send out bait to catch us poor souls?! It will be interesting to see if they respond. More fool me I suppose but it would be interesting to hear others experience. All the best. Post edited 03-12-2005 9:34[/quote] This has never happened to me, and I'm sure there are a lot of other single guys who can say the same thing. I have been a member here for over a year now, and I know that SP will NEVER use those tactics. It's true to say that there are other swing sites that resort to underhand tactics like this (take it from one who knows!), but I have never found that here, and am never likely to. This site is, undoubtedly, THE best swingers' site in the UK, and I will stick with it for as long as it is here. I have made so many good friends and had some excellent meets, and will continue to do so for a long time. It's also worth mentioning that SP has been responsible for my best meet (and what has turned into an excellent friendship) in the whole of my 15 years of swinging! I owe a lot to them for this alone. If you're reading, you'll know who you are!! Cat Post edited 04-12-2005 12:19
Hi Peeps. It appears some people consider us harsh - we never intended to offend anyone by our actions. Wrighter - I do not think we have chatted 1:1, but we do get irritated when we see ladies or couples being hassled by other people, especially if it is creating discomfort in the chatroom. Saying ‘Fuck Off' may have been harsh – but frankly surprised that you have held a petty grudge for so long. As far as the scalp hunter comment is concerned I would hope you are not referring to us. We join in chat to have fun and to arrange to meet people - and we have met and had fun with some really sexy peeps and will be seeing them again for more. And, yes, we do enjoy having flirty chat with them - but our private conversations are kept for meetings and chat. Marcgold - I used to enjoy bantering with you, until it got to a point where you felt you knew me and started to make unpleasant comments about N to me. N is my life partner, best friend and playmate, you were showing disrespect for us as a couple and I found it unacceptable, although I asked you to stop you found it amusing to continue - that is why I justifiably had words with you in chat. I am unaware from chat or talking to site buddies that N has upset any of your nice ladies? He enjoys having fun in the chatroom and would certainly not intend any lady to be offended by his comments - if he has upset anyone we will be happy to apologise - but would appreciate if you do not try to stir things up for us on here. Swingincat - Keep doing what you do - we love it. You have always treated us with respect and we know you are keen that all single guys should behave in an appropriate manner. Thanks for being there to offer support when I have had problems in chatroom. xx I make no apology for the lengthy reply - but I felt that I should take opportunity to defend ourselves. We do note that this is not the first time that single guys have fired a parting shot at the site or specific active members upon leaving. Show respect, treat people nicely and you may get to have fun with some sexy people out there. Jel xxx
Well Jel you have now had your say I have to have mine in response. I have kept fairly quite about what was said to me but you certainly DID not ask me to stop we have had many chats in here b4 but it seems to me you are quite happy to dish it out but not take it I certainly did not intend to offend N as you are well aware I have had and still hope to have a laugh on here as that is the main thing I do and you are also aware that I have many virtual friends as the banter between us is just that none of it is meant to be taken seriously. But if it is then I too apologies to anyone that may have thought I have stepped over the mark. But I do understand where wrighter is coming from
Jelandn - many thanks for the lovely comments! I want you to know that I stand completely by you both through all of this. I have known you in chat for some time now, and I know that you would never knowingly offend anyone. I guess, like myself, you find unacceptable chat room behaviour as repugnant as I do. And no - I do NOT find you at all harsh in the slightest. Most importantly, as chat buddies, I love you both dearly - you have also helped me out at times, and I hope to continue to do the same for you whenever needed. Cat xxx Post edited 04-12-2005 19:22
Pusss we hope you are here for a long time hun we think you are great and love talking to you. Also please everyone we dont all feel the same about everything but please lets all get along. We have got to know and met many people on here and although sometimes astounded by remark have found that most people are great and would not intentionaly offend anyone. Those people that do seem to have a problem take their own path and the more we dwell the more credit we give to them. Lets all move on to more frienships and more fun . Love Adi and Joanne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :clap:
Bye wrighter - you are a top gent. Yes we feel the same. Its a real shame but had our membership spoiled too many times now. We too will see out last month to say bye to our mates and then we are off into the ether. Love the Magics xxx Post edited 06-12-2005 15:06
thankyou magics. will miss my chats with you very more seeing you busy ironing !!. wish i couldve met you 2, but i had the next best thing,ie knowing you. be happy and safe, love dave [wrighter] xxx
Just to merge a few of the current threads..............I'd like to complain that I didn't get a mention in Wrighter's goodbye message - you miserable old bugger! Anyway, my membership expires on 22nd December, and since I haven't exactly been here much lately I'm not renewing it for now - so can I just wish everyone a fantastic Christmas, hope you get everything you deserve from Santa. I'll still be about on if anyone who has my details fancies a natter. Love you all (well most of you anyway!) Girliebob xxx
AW girliebob We never did get to chat properly and that is a great shame specially now you are leaving even more of a shame.I do hope you still have my details and you pop back here b4 you go for good. sad :(
girliebob mwah xxxx. i didnt mention you simply because the last time we chatted on you said you had left sp !! so this is a SPECIAL goodbye to you personally xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girlie, Just want to say sorry to hear you are leaving...............and just as we've renewed our membership too. Talk about bad timing lol. We'll miss chatting to you. take care shazzy and jonny xxxxxxxxx smile
hi wrighter. i think we've chatted occasionally (in the halcyon days of text only) and you are a star. i myself johned as a freebie in nov 2004 and "paid up" in Feb 2005 (valentines day to be exact) because I liked the banter and chat with many (wont name names cos I'd sure to forget someone). But, our home were on the web has lost its characted, its homeliness, its security, its charm. I will have to be persuaded to renew in Feb 2006. Take care mate and dont forget us! Cas n Cara xxx
cheers cas, yes we had some g8 chats i recall. thankyou for the kind compliments, much appreciated. of course ill remember all the friends ive made here, how can i forget them. its been a ball, g8 laughs, but its time to go im afraid. it will be quite sad for me on 2/1/06. cheers fella, have fun, dave [wrighter]
ps cas. its just such a shame that one ignorant cpl could spoil all the fun for me. :fury:
writer ?????? ill miss my swing hubby ???!!!loll i have not seen this on the chat room totaly unaware hunn well wishthose that leaving bon voage and all who sail in ya a merry chrimbo. xxxxxx :clap:
and yes whare was mty mention lolllll
sorry bibig. how did i forget you ? and we nearly got wed as well. guess my age is affecting my memory lol. will miss you too hun, and also you are a very good moderator to boot, but as ive said, this room is nothing like it used to be [ for me at least], and its simply time to move on to pastures new. ill never 4 get you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx be happy :P