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Does the period stop you???

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Does having a peroid stop you having sex. Are you more randy when you are menstrating? I have had sex and oral sex many times when my girl is on her period and she finds it very satisfying. She is at her most randy when she is one day before the period starts and once it has begun. Am I normal for licking her out during this time and is her being extra randy normal too. Or am I just a vampire. lol
Oh dear... what a question... I personally don't want anyone coming anywhere near me when I'm on my period! I find the idea of sex then just gross. But that's just me.
eeeww yuck no thanks, don't care how horny the lady is.
You perform oral sex during period madness? Are you a vampire?! :twisted: I feel horny but I wouldn't let anyone anywhere near me nethers when Aunty's visiting! No way! Every woman is different though as regards pain, bloating, copiousness of....the obvious... If you are in agony that feels like barbed wire being ripped down your insides, feel the size of a whale, zitty, sweaty, feel like you stink - then the last thing you want is someone getting amorous with your chopped meat! :borg::borg::borg::borg::borg::borg::borg::borg::borg: And that is OFFICIALLY the GROSSEST post I EVER made!!! :evil2::evil2: Apologies to those that didn't have a sick bucket handy! Midgerley yours.... :happy::happy::happy:
Ermmm... okk well oral during this time.... Good God Nooo, In fact its a few days after until I will let Daz down there at all lol But having said that I am dead horny about this time, and there are many ways to satisfy a woman if you know what you are doing (without the need for towels, clean sheets, a bath or shower, lol) Also long as its not a REALLY bad day, when you are aroused, you actually dont bleed (for those interested) just get ready to run to the bathroom afterwards :thumbup: Just my opinion Jo xxx
blink eeew midgie, chopped meat not the nicest term to describe the female nether region! Personal choice I agree, I wouldn't let anyone near there for oral during that time but yes I do find myself just as horny while I have my period!
I am at my least horniest during... and my most horniest just after!!!
well what a lovely thread dave here btw just had supper and feeling sick . tee is a no go at the oil change time of month and i defo dont want to go down there anyways ffs be like eating a pink grape fruit slurpin and sucking and what the fuck would it taste like, and imagine ya face after pmsl whats sexy about that ???
Oral sexy.. No chance!! Fuckin...yes please but afta a few days wen the tummy aches gone, jus make sure theres a towel down! But i dont bleed that much im v lite, markie jus thinks hes turned me on abit more! ;0)) And im sooo randy even more than normal! Mmmmm period play and i doh mean shakespeare! Lol Funky nutta xx
FFs I was just cuttin up some liver for dinner and thats put me right off of it.....:color::color: Defo no rainbow kisses for me yuk.
[quote user=northlondon12] Defo no rainbow kisses for me yuk.[/quote] :fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury::fury:
lol Rainbow kisses... My son actually told me what these were last year, I had never herad of them, probably coz I have never and will never have one blink
yep, this certainly fits in the category 'anything goes' !!! lol and no midgie, of course you don't have chopped liver, you have rose-petals..:uhoh: honest! innocent
Just leave me alone and keep your distance! Supply with chocolate at least for 3 day and loads of fruit. Have I said keep your distance........
del here , no foooookin way l dont do bloodsports with me tongue or meat! kats at her horniest n literally begs for a shag, me i wait until a full day after bleeding stops cos its minging grosses me out yuk yuk yuk!
Firstly, what a sick question. Secondly, if this so-called girl exists, why aren't you on here as a couple?
When I was a scholar we had periods which were lessons so we had these periods during the day there were 2 things stopping us having sex one was it was all boys so we had to have mutual masturbation outside of the periods, & wanking under the desk was frowned upon especially coming over the chap in fronts blazer. So no we boys did not have sex during periods ......
the ex used to get right randy while on, once she just grabbed me and well one thing led to another and next you know there was blood on my boxers!! so i screwed her again just to tell her she was a bad girl :twisted:
Each to their own is what i say!!!!!!!:color:
hey its betta than scat play....thats fuckin disgustin....:lick:
Ok, I know I'm being very naive here, but could someone please tell me what are rainbow kisses????
lol mikemaggie.... apologies in advance for being graphic.... but you did ask... It's when a guy goes down on a girl while she is on and he then comes up for a snog.... rainbow kisses. Not my thing... but there you go.
eeeeeewwwwwwww .... cant believe this thread is still going... :O
[quote user=oliviak]lol mikemaggie.... apologies in advance for being graphic.... but you did ask... It's when a guy goes down on a girl while she is on and he then comes up for a snog.... rainbow kisses. Not my thing... but there you go.[/quote] tis more than that oli... the couple have a 69 and when both have come kiss to mix come and female secretions
:rainbowsurprisedh dear not really sure about that but there again each to their own
Why....... but.. why........ why?...............................WHY????? :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
[quote user=biggirluk][quote user=oliviak]lol mikemaggie.... apologies in advance for being graphic.... but you did ask... It's when a guy goes down on a girl while she is on and he then comes up for a snog.... rainbow kisses. Not my thing... but there you go.[/quote] tis more than that oli... the couple have a 69 and when both have come kiss to mix come and female secretions[/quote] Oh :crazy: