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DO the ladys know !!!

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Sex God
Ok peeps another one of my silly questions... this time for the ladys... all tho could be for the guys as well... this time i would like to know who knows where the MALE G SPOT IS ??? AS BE4 answers on a post card lol mwahhh MO_XX
I know, I know lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: back a bit later with an answer!!
Sex God
This one's easy...... Down the pub! everybody knows that! lol biggrin
Sex God
Not every pub Mindy, only the ones in staggering distance of a kebab shop. lol :lick: :lol: :lick: :lol: :lick: :lol:
Warming the Bed
I thougt it was the remote control for the telly......well they always have their hands on it!!! lol
I've been googling. lol :lol: If I put the link in here the site bot thingy eill strip out the url so you get copy and paste instead!!! Ready:- How To Find and Stimulate the Prostate From Cory Silverberg, Your Guide to Sexuality. The prostate gland has often been called the male g-spot (unfortunately it has lately been referred to as the “P” spot). The prostate produces most of the fluid in ejaculate and lies behind the pubic bone and just below the bladder. Because of medical conditions or medications some men have enlarged prostates that can cause pain or discomfort. But for many men it is a wonderful sex organ that provides deep sexual pleasure. Difficulty: N/A Time Required: 45-60 minutes Here's How: Wash up, and relax. Many men have a few issues with cleanliness when it comes to exploring anal play. Having a nice warm bath or hot show may help alleviate anxiety about this. Also the bath or shower is a great place to explore. Because feces only travel through the rectum on the way out of the body, you won't find very much there. If you are concerned about having a bowel movement during play, make sure you go to the bathroom before you begin. Trim your nails and smooth out the rough edges. The lining of the anus is very sensitive and can be torn easily. If you're playing with toys, make sure there are no sharp edges (sometimes anal beads have rough edges which can be smoothed out with a nail file). Consider using latex gloves. They are a great way to deal with hang nails and small cuts on your hands, plus if you have any concerns about cleanliness they provide a good barrier between you and all your bodily fluids. Turn yourself on. Because the prostate swells when aroused, it's easier to locate when you're hot and bothered so watch an adult movie, masturbate, fantasize...whatever gets you in the mood. Find a comfortable position. If you are exploring on your own find a position you are most comfortable in where you have access to your bum. Try lying on your side, or squatting. Sitting in a comfy chair might work, or lie on your back with your legs in the air. You need a position you'll be comfortable in for a while. Using pillows is always a good way to get comfortable. Start on the outside, massage your anus and perineum. You never want to rush the penetration part of anal play. Start with an external massage. The perineum is located between the testicles and above the anus and most men find that massaging the perineum is very relaxing and pleasurable. Massage your anus using a rhythmic, circular motion. You can gently push on the anus as if you're ringing a doorbell, without forcing your finger inside. This will help relax the anal sphincter. Go on in. When you are ready to insert a finger in the anus, try to tune into your breath. Breathe deeply. The best way to insert a finger in the anus is to start with the pad of your finger first (not the tip). Gently put the pad of one finger up to the opening of the anus, and as you exhale, push out (as if you're trying to go to the bathroom) while you insert a well-lubed finger. Once inside, rest a moment while you get used to the sensation of having something in your anus. Find your prostate. You should be able to feel your prostate about two inches in and toward your belly. It is often a walnut-shaped bump. Some men will know when they are touching it, others won't notice much at all. It can be easier to have someone else find it for you (if you happen to have someone handy!) Experiment with different kinds of touch Once you've found the prostate you can experiment with what feels good. You'll find it much easier and more comfortable to use a lubricant with your fingers or toys. Some men like the feeling of consistent pressure or pressing on the prostate, others will get off on vibration, or an on-off kind of pressure. You can also experiment by squeezing your PC muscle and see how that changes the feeling of prostate stimulation. Try playing with toys Anal sex toys can be a great way to explore what prostate stimulation can feel like for you. Toys that have a slight curve are often designed for prostate stimulation. Some toys will vibrate, which is a completely different kind of sensation that some guys like and others don't. If you're going to try a vibrator, be sure to get one with variable speed, so you can start slow if you want to. Try butt plugs. Butt plugs are anal toys designed to be inserted in the anus and stay in place. Some guys will put in a butt plug and then have other kinds of sex play (either masturbation or play with partners). Many say that having a butt plug in (which provides a mild but constant prostate stimulation) really changes the way that their orgasms feel. Tips: Any kind of anal penetration can be intense at first. Remember to breathe deeply as you play. Try to coordinate the timing of your breathing with the building orgasm. Take your time. Don't rush it, and if you're feeling uncomfortable take a break, or end the exploration for the time being.
Sex God
HEHEHEHE I JUST KNEW I could count on u sarah.... im am shocked at how many ladys didnt know this.... and the same go's for the men with the posting for the other posting.... comon secy peeps get doing ur reserch and talk to each other more lol mwwahhhh MO UNTILL THE NEXT SILL Q lol
Warming the Bed
The male G - spot is better known as the Ego ! :moon: lol