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Disrespectful women !! (and men so this isn't sexist)

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Sex God
I've got a question! (and don't all groan) Why is it that people slate single men for being too pushy and disrespectful (and yes -I've slated them) when the worst are the WOMEN? I know I'm lucky with Jason that he's a good looking blokey but I'm sick to ruddy death of women, knowing I'm his partner, just making a bee-line for him or touching him like he's a piece of meat. To make matters worse, we've had them follow him around (parties AND clubs), making a play for him and when he leaves me to go to the loo or something or to have a look around, they hone in and make their play. They constantly ignore me (two heads obviously) and half the time don't even make eye contact. We are obviously a couple, we have couples rules - we play TOGETHER, not seperately - but it makes no bleeding difference. They don't ask, they just assume that because he's male and they can open their legs further than 2" that he will do what they want. They hound him, follow him and think that they can have him just because I'm not superglued to his hip. The worse is in the clubs, in the jacuzzi. I can't use them so its a constant moaning from him that they keep grabbing his danglies and he's now said he's not going back in the jacuzzi's any more. Why can't women (and some men), realise that its only POLITE to ask the partner if they mind? Why can't they just say, "he's lovely, can I play with him?" I'd ask him and if he was happy........ no problems. The constant ignorance of some women is discolouring my view of swinging and I'm about at the end of my tether with it. We, as a couple are strong enough to survive it but why the hell should we. Therefore, I ask......... Why do they do it? Is no one taught manners these days? and - Don't they think that if they just asked and took the effort with the partner, they might actually get what they want? Orf my soapbox now....... just wanted views!
[color="cyan"]Understand exactly what you are saying Madchick, the meat market attitude is the very reason that we are not re-newing our membership (due next week ) this disrespectful attitude has completely destroyed our belief in what swinging should be all about.[/color]
Sex God
teecee. I'm gonna miss you guys. You are always chatty, friendly and sweet and a pair of the nicest peeps I know on here. I'm not saying its every woman/man out there that makes life difficult for polite and respectful, genuine people but it gets wearing after a while and you DO begin to question your role in the whole swinging scene. I'm upset that the ignorant amongst us have pushed you to this decision teecee, but I totally understand. It makes me want to shout out from the rooftops..... "Are you pleased with what you've done, aimless feckwits" ... but I won't, cus that would be bad manners! Teecee......... I wish you all the best!
[color="cyan"]So many thanks for your kind comments Madchick,if only everyone on here was as nice and straight talking as you are, how good things would be. Must confess that we have enjoyed chatting to some real nice peeps on here but alas there have also been a lot of really nasty B******s who have soured our outlook on swinging. We will catch up with you for another chat before we go hun. You take care [/color]
Sex God
We haven't been on any of these kind of meets yet, and I'm not sure if we will as it's not really our kind of thing. Part of the reason is because we were worried how we would cope with any unwanted attention. I suppose it's to do with it being an unusual social situation where the normal rules don't really apply. Still, no need for bad manners I agree. Ellie xxxxx
Warming the Bed
Yes we agree no need for bad manners. Most peeps on here and the meets are respectful. But lets turn this question around. What would you call a guy who only plays as a (couple)when walking past a room curiosity gets the better of him and looks in. On seeing a cpl having fun he stands and watchs and when gets the chance to join in gets his tool out and offers it to the women even though he says he only plays as a (couple). Who is in the wrong the women or the guy? This is Mr Vixen1 asking the question.
Im with Venus... Can I have a go on your bloke ?
Sex God
Venus.......... any time honey, any time. But can I watch??? (tis the perv in me!!) And Brujah...... eeerrrr, ummm, aaarrrgghh.. madchick is finally lost for words! Mr Vixen........ then that is the man's fault and he should accept responsibility for his actions. If he is in a relationship then I suspect he has a fair amount of grovelling to do! However, I was talking generally. This is a post I've been wanting to put up for a while. Certain events at certain clubs have left me with a clouded view of what others expect from the swinging scene. I admit I'm no angel but I would never assume that it's ok to launch myself on someone elses man without checking. Maybe I'm too moralistic to be a swinger....... but peeps have to remember, I've been a single woman, in this scene for many years, changing to a couple means that I'm now learning how to play as a couple. It's not easy but I'm blundering my way through as best I can......... Blithering now...... will shut up!!
Sex God
ooooopppsss, how did I manage to post me twice.?? eeeekkkk