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cheers peeps

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hi everyone just to let you all know that when our subscription runs out we are leaving the site, best of luck to you all and thanx to those we made friends with on here and the reason we are leaving is because of timewasters and those who just cant tell the difference between having fun and a laugh and those that take things far to serious, this site has gone down a lot in our estimation, there are other reasons that we wont go into on here, if you see us in the chat room feel free to ask us and we will gladly tell people exactly why we are going, happy swinging all take care xxxxxxxxxxx
Take care of yourselves :beer: Will miss your friendly Ello when we come in the chat room Have fun both :smile2:
mr feels the same about what you say, anyway stay happy keep swinging. It seems funny that there are lots of peeps leaving for the same reason, I wonder why?????
always pleasant and polite to us guys we wish you all the best... keep chatting before you go xxx
Fuk will the last one out turn out the light.:-?
Well, first off ...bye guys! Miss you already!! Secondly, we're pretty new to this site but we have to say that this is BY FAR the best site we have found...and we've tried a few! Yes we have had our fair share of wasters, dispticks, weirdos and retards but equally we have chatted, spoken, chatted some more (lol) and met some awesome peeps! And expect to meets loads more!!! So maybe you need a better filtering system that's all?
Bye nigandang so sad to see you go. Always a delight to chat to in the chatroom and such a shame when peeps like you leave sad. Take care of yourselves. ceylons mwahxxxxxxx
BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SEXY NIGE AND ANGE bin great chattin wiv u.......u hav me number so dont forget me!! and one day ur slave will cum!! and u hav seriously bin great to me and looked afta me on ere and away, and sum days iv had it ruff, but u were there 4 sod the swingin thingy for a call u 2......true friends!! funkyD xx:P
that was nice funky xx
thanx for that funky xxxxxxxxxx