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chat room protocols

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A quick question about chat room protocol. when in general chat and wanting to address someone there is often a choice of names to use many people have a "handle" on their profile in addition they may have a name as well and sometimes they have a "real" name in addition. The question that I have is, when do I use each name? if a member has a profile entitled "slop bucket" and a name of Bev when addressing them in chat would I call them slop bucket (or sb), or bev or some other name that is their "real" name. A long explanation for a silly quesion. Any replies gratefully received (and yes I have read the beginners posts in the chat room). Gareth (org4sms4u2) eddited for mi inor spelling more to come as I am dyslexic! lol
I would go for Slop.. Bucket.. Slopster when you know them better... Sloppydoppydooo when you know them better than that... It's just easier to use the name thats on the chat list really. See ya in chat smile Midgie
hehehehehe! midgie...........:laughabove::laughabove::laughabove: What we tend to do is use their "profile name" then if we are lucky to meet up with them, then call them by their names in the room......:color::color::color:
I prefer to use the names in the room unless you have chatted for a while then I might use there real names. I`ve only actually met 2 people,but still use there chat names,I think its more polite that way.
how bads this, i was jus about to comment on this thread and had to cum out of it cus i cudnt remember wot id put me name down as and of course its Funkydiva....:doh: god how dizzy am i....:fuckinghell: anyway....most sexy peeps call me eitha Funky....or like the gorgeous debs she calls me Diva....:inlove: a few peeps call me my real name but very few, i dont mind this, if we'v met, mayb at socials or one to one or parties, not keen if sumone calls me by my 'real name' if i dont really kno u!! but if i cud change my name by depole to Funky i wud but Mr Markie wud kill me!!:laughabove: soooooooooooooo if u see me in the chatroom, not very often nowadays but if u do....Funky or Diva or Nutta or The most sexiest bird to hav walked this earth will suffice!! :lol2: Meeeeeeeeeee xx :P
I think that it's polite to use someone's profile name as they might not like every man and his dog knowing their real name! Fine for wispers or private messages to use real names if you have met someone but to protect identity (if that's what peeps want) then I think to be safe, just use their profile name. Then others can keep up with what is going on in the chatroom too, sometimes I have no idea who is talking to who until someone answers! To newbies it is just plain confuuuusing lol My two bobs worth :2fingers: fc xxxx
wow so many replies so fast!!! And from infamous (sorry famous) site members as well biggrin Thank you for clarifying this for me the general consensus then seems to be to use profile names until you know people better. Makes sense and also to agree with funkchick above as a newbie if you don't know the people concerned it is confusing if people use names that aren't listed as being in the room. On a separate subject thanks to everyone for being so friendly and welcoming on the site and in the chat room, it is appreciated.
whose famous???......hav i missed summat??? :doh:
you're famous chicka! :laughabove: :laughabove:
moi?? nah not me......:-o does that mean i can start chargin???....ooooooh mayb not...:doh:.....that wud make me a funky ladieeee of the nite....rotflmao:rotflmao: funky nutta xx:P and mmmmmmmmm thanx sexy chick....:inlove:
[color="olive"]Wherever possible we try to keep our real names to ourselves, we've had far too many "close calls" to feel comfortable with our names being common knowledge![/color]:bounce:
Good question Org4, I've often been very confused in the chat room with people using real names, its very difficult to follow who is talking to whom. And in the case of couples, it can sometimes avoid embarrassment if you know which of the couple you are chatting to. Some couples type in different colours and thats a great help for people like me who cant keep up. Hope you enjoy the site Org4, good luck, Maggiexxx
Org, I certainly agree that using the persons profile name is best, some like me called fruitmedley are normally called fruit in chat as most know me as that. As long as my real name isnt used in the chat room I feel ok. Thats why I just find it easier to always call people by the profile name. As I tend to forget anyway. Even when meeting up in a social if someone asks me my profile name i give it to them then if they ask my real name I findit easier to say call me fruit. Hope you enjoy the site, come chat in chat room, read the threads on forums for single etiquette as it always helps, and if you get it wrong apologise. All the best x Fruit x
Org, as you can see it differs for everyone. I personally don't like my real name being used in the chatroom and most people to refer to me as Olivia or Oli, even though most people I have met at socials etc do know my real name. I just like to keep that anonymity on the site with people I don't know. But saying that, there are quite a few people who don't mind being called their real name in chat. But a good safe default is to just call people by their SP names until you have either got to know them and then you will know what they prefer.
We always, always use profile names unless we know people well and then its trollop or man whore!!
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have by and large been using profile names but this does clarify it as on the night before the origional post was posted there were a lot of other names being used in general chat (obviously by people who knew each other). As well as the anominity point of view, as a newbie using profile names does make tracking who is chatting easier, and if you want to view their profile you know which one to click on. However it does make me wonder why lots of people have personal names on their profiles (which are not only accessable to members of the site but can be googled as well) if they are not happy to have them used? hope to chat to you all soon, org
.. personal names on profiles may not be real names anyway .. you'd be surprised! Sometimes I don't even know who I am anymore!!! :crazy: :huh:
Im normally referred to as CC and not my full user name, So that will just confuse you, but its always been the case. I get called my real name a few times in chat, but by people i have met on several occasions so i dont really mind. I just dont lke being called my real name by people who dont know me. I dont really mind what im called, Miss_ccrider, Miss, CC, or on the rare occasion if im feeling naughty its Madam_cc. And do like it when im sometimes called Jelandns whore smile:):):
hahahaha CC such a durty mare...but we luv you for
jelandn thinks everyone is his whore.... bolt
hahahaha Oli xxx Well you do have fab breasts hunni :bounce:
See told you Oli, they are uncontrollable they Jelssmile
Maybe they should be locked in their dungeon