If you find that you are having problems with any member hassling or abusing you, then please use the abuse report system (thats what is there for). Try and put as much details as you can, ie copy and paste conversations that you have recieved from the member/s, as this would help admin and mods deal with it. All abuse reports are confidential and the person/s you are reporting will never find out it was you that filed the abuse report against them.
Abuse in any shape or form will not be tolerated on the site and it is taken very seriously. Anyone found to be doing this will have the appropriate action taken against them.
Please all remember that not all single males on the site are the same, and its not just single male that abuse people, couple and single females do it to.
So please dont tarnish everyone with the same brush because there is some idiots on the site.
Them what do spoil the fun for everyone, just remember that your actions are noted by other members on site and the chance's of you having any sort of encounter with people from the site is reduced to zero. So treat people how you would like to be treated, and remembr the site isn't a cattle market and most members are fussy to whom them swing with. Then reason why people are fussy cos the amount of members on site they can pick and choose. All because someone isn't your cup of tea, it doesn't mean that the veiw is shared with everyone. So PLEASE by nice to everyone and have fun, thats what this site was set up for.
teecee sorry to here that you have had some problems with a single male member on sunday plz dont think that all males are the same as the ares that as give you problems i for one hope that you stay on site hope to chat to you soon till then take care xx tintintom xx
TeeCee couple
You have my full support -- I think you're a lovely pair -- why would anyone want to give you a hard time ??
Just ignore them ...
Chat to you soon