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being ignored

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:fury: to night was the worst example in the so called chat room ever i came on and said hello with a rose and was totaly ignored so i said it again in bright red. only 2 botherd to say hi the rest were so tied up in there small group and not wanting eny body else in they fill the page with any thing to use the space up people can not get in The small groupe know who they are they think it is ther own personel site even when i put up a message why i was leaveing the room only one came on to say sorry, she knows who she is. thanks a real lady, the rest did not even notice they were so wraped up in them selfs i have been on this site nealy every day and they are still the same group at night no one wants a meet if you are not in the group. makes me wonder if its worth renewing member ship this is supposed to be the best site, i have had quite a few meets on other sites but non on this one its so un frendly Post edited 01-06-2006 22:04
Hey hotfitter, before I comment I wasn't in the room tonight so it wasn't me lol I think calling the site very un friendly is a little unfair. Like everywhere you go, pub or what not people who know each other are more likely to chat. I will admit when I am in the middle of a conversation and someone says hello to everyone who I don't personally know I have been known not to say hello. Although if someone I don't know says hello personally to me I always says hello, and I know many others that use the chat room do as well. If you feel there is a group talking all the time, maybe if you spoke to them individually, not whispering obviously, but it might involve you in the chat room more. When someone's name isn't mentioned in a comment put into the chat room, people are less likely to look, if that makes sense. I struggle to hold anything against a group of people where half of them have had sex with each other lol for talking to each other. I'm sure no one is meaning to be rude by not talking to you. About people only meeting people in the little group, that clearly isn't true other wise this little group would be huge as A LOT of people meet on this site. I think the single males on the site greatly out number the singles or couples that are looking to meet with them. I think you just have to be patient, polite and try your best to get involved with the chat, because that is the way you make good friends and potential meets. Wish you all the luck on the site hun. Carly mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We understand the comments made and have always made effort to say Hi to people joining chatroom. It does happen that people are missed and we suggest that is unfortunate, rather than a delberate snub on anybody. As with real life the people that make an effort to join in and to be inclusive toward others should gather plenty of buddies. Although this is a swinger site, when we chat with others it can be on a variety of subjects, because we are then able to discover how people relate and what interests them, which those that cannot comprehend suggest is 'boring' for a 'sex chatroom'. However, we are patient people and as a result have had many successful 'meets' resulting in fun, horny sex with others from site. Out of 11 sites we have registered with (a long story!!) we have found this one to be the friendliest and best suited to our style and needs. Single guys do succeed in this lifestyle, but the competition is Post edited 02-06-2006 8:07
Agree with all of the above.
i hear all that you said, but how is it that if i talk in the morning or after noon to the same people `when they are not on all at the sametime` i can chat great but as a groupe no one stands a chance. i have seen lots of people come in to the room say hello and been totaly blanked, they then sit on te side for a while then go, not to be seen again as i said it is when this group of 6-8 get together that it starts there were 87 chaters on the list only 9 were talking i can not believe all the rest were whispering .last night even when i put up the same message in the room as i did in here in bright red only one lady came on in a whisper to say sorry and she was not even in the room at the time ,as for joining in the chat i do if i can get in, as for it takes time to get to know people you only can if they will let you.I have been chating for 6 months how long would you say i should wait Post edited 02-06-2006 16:33
if there is a group of 6-8 chatting, why not try talking to the other 80 people in the room? xxxxxx
because they were filling the page if you put in a message it was off the page in a flash the one word so called chat was so fast it mainly consisted of repeating each others names with an oooh or a wow after, that is not chat you can join in with. lots of the other people are shy and feel they are not wonted i have been on this afternoon all i got was that i should chill out then nothing more
your'e having a girraffe aren't ya mate !!! lol xxxxxxxx
ive had the same probs myself, by saying hello etc, and not getting a reply, but on saying that, the other day, cutiecarly actually mailed me to say sorry for not saying hi, as she was in the middle of a conversation. things like that mean so much to me, and carly i thankyou most sincerely for that, you are indeed a darling xx. these days, i still say hello, and if nobody replies, then thats fine, i wont let it spoil my fun anymore. !! i know the people who will speak and say hi[not listing them], they know who they are. im going to open up old wounds, but i had a disagreement when i left in jan with jelandn, but the other day they said hello when i came into the room, that also meant a lot to me, so, as far as im concerned, thats water under the bridge. i guess what im saying m8, dont let it get you down, there really are some lovely people in the room.
The room is on the whole a real friendly place with great people and Im sorry we cant agree with this at all hun. If you go into a pub of complete strangers if you said hello few if any would respond. Try the one to one approach and get to know people on that basis and you will feel more welcome. You couldnt join a club and imediately be warmly welcomed by all could you !!!! We havnt been in the chatroom for a while now but trust me it happens at its own pace as with anywhere else, membership does not guarantee you instant chat or meets. Sorry if you dont like it and no this isnt a nasty rebuke just sound honest advice . Joanne_adi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :P
we understand what u saying hot,but we feel the room is ok and friendly,we say hi to ppl when we come in and ppl say hi back.u do have to try and join in with chat and we found best way for us is to take it slow and work at it .sometimes we just like to sit and watch the chat and add coments when we feel the need.....there are some great ppl in there hot stick with it it will pay off we feel....have fun....
god, what have i said ? just been in the room,with a customanary hello all, and got........................... fuck all. !! some things never change
Maybe the other 80 people are slow Me .. smile.I find everybody friendly on SP , I just wish I could keep up with the chat . I'm sure i'de find it a lot easier , if I didn't get the constant uninvited whispers ...By the time i've politely typed in the room , not to whisper ..i've completely lost that page of conversation ..I then scroll up ..>>>> lose more convo ..>> blahhhhhh blahhhhhhhh.. I guess what i'm trying to say ../ or the moral of this long winded mail .is : we all get there in the end .. good luck ....Tally ... :P
We seldom use whisper when lots of people in chat and busy txt flow, purely due to same problem as Tallulah has experienced. We have also made a point of saying no single guy txt in our profile to reduce previous volume of received whispers. If we want things to remain private we tend to take people off to for 1:1 chat or use messaging. When its truly busy, we sometimes are missed on room entry, but never fret about it, life is too
START AN OTHER ROOM???? hot this is awfull that you feel this way , truly. hi by the way. biggrin iv known a chap in here for ooooo years and we only managed to meet two weeks ago. if you dont like the way a room is going may be start a room of your own , did you know that if you do that you are the op for that room , you are able to kick and chose who you chat to . next time im in say hi. try it try saying hi to every one all at the same time . hope you have fun and settle in to the room well. :D
hey hey fitter, i do hope you will chat to me in your own op room, and i do hope you dont kick me out , i promise i`ll say hi n bye to yah, an maybe a little inbetween also, sorry enough of that . ok i have been in the room on quite number of occasions now and have never seen u say a word to me , especially when u first enter the room, and i say hi to you, maybe we all miss convo`s times as it gets really busy in there. but hey if u say hi i will always say it back, i`m not the BI type but here if it makes yah feel better :moon: i`ll let u have a touch lol... lol :clap: :clap:
we have been members of this chat room since sept last yr we came back into chat in march x i have always been welcomed an found ppl to chat with granted i dont chat to 80 ppl at once but i do try an say hello to ppl thruogh out the day it is harder in the eve cozz it is more busy ,, but you have to understand some ppl get on better with different ppl as i have said b4 hotfitter jump into convo i do it all the time an it takes time for ppl to get to know you ,, the chat room was set up for fun for ppl to cum togethar an have a laff not everyone spks to everybody i tihnk you need to sit n think hotfitter is the chat room really for you cozz thruogh the day when its quiet you hardly chat ,,, at the emd day just be happy an enjoy lol :rainbow:
cumclose, a most sensible and logical reply that, sums it all up well. bye the way we"ve never chatted so, hello cumclose lol x
Can i just point out for sake of being annoying, you have never said hello to me hotfitter. lol
Also i think more people will chat to you if when you come in to the room you say "hi room" or something! Otherwise people won't know you are there! biggrin
[quote user=greenhoff]cumclose, a most sensible and logical reply that, sums it all up well. bye the way we"ve never chatted so, hello cumclose lol x[/quote] well green hun im a sensible chick honest lol an a gr8 big helllo to you hun mwah xxxxxxxxxxx :rainbow: :rainbow:
SENSIBLE!!!! pmsg, sorry babe, a fabulous and wonderful person, with a heart of gold but SENSIBLE - sorry dont buy it !!! x x xxxxxxxxxxxxnuttybirdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just to add my five eggs to this thread - Hotfitter, I've also said a couple of things to you in the room and not got a reply, and on more than one occasion when I've come in and said hello you've greeted the person who came in before me, and the one after me, and ignored me completely. But, since I'm not paranoid I'm happy to suggest that none of us keep up with everything that's said in chat, even on days when it's not busy!
[quote user=hotfitter5]because they were filling the page if you put in a message it was off the page in a flash the one word so called chat was so fast it mainly consisted of repeating each others names with an oooh or a wow after, that is not chat you can join in with. lots of the other people are shy and feel they are not wonted i have been on this afternoon all i got was that i should chill out then nothing more [/quote] Hotfitter hun that's the problem the chat moves so fast when it's busy. Don't forget everyone else is trying to concentrate on the peeps they ar currently chatting too, it is very difficult to talk to all at once. xxx
The room does move very fast. I hope you are finding your way now Hotfitter and making lots of mates! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[quote user=ur4it][quote user=cop66]The room does move very fast. [/quote] Especially if you drink Tequila lol Post edited 13-06-2006 12:11[/quote] Oh I wouldn't know. Alcohol never enters this temple.
id move faster if matron lets me have my zimmer. :cry:
LOVE IT! :clap:
I wish I knew what you were all talking about , hic , happy swinging , and let's all love each other lol xx