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ADMIN icon showing new/paid up members

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Warming the Bed
OK now! doing a general member search is their any way you can put on the 1st level search! an icon showing whether this member is a free member or not i.e. where you put the camera to show there are photos in the members profile, such a pain to open all the profiles only to find they are free members would be most helpful thank :clap: madeye:
When you search you can already click the "show only premium (paid) members" option masage.
[quote user=cop66]When you search you can already click the "show only premium (paid) members" option masage.[/quote] Cheers cop :clap:
Warming the Bed
Ah but not if you are looking under a specific post code. its the same when you serch new members! there is no indication who are fully paid up!!! :-? :-?
[quote user=cop66]When you search you can already click the "show only premium (paid) members" option masage.[/quote] True - but it doesn't always seem to work. When I've done a search on local members clicking the 'show only premium members' option - it still lists free members. Don't know if it's because the people who are on the list WERE premium members in the past, I know at least a couple of them were - but it's still just as frustrating Bobs x