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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · Stoke-on-Trent


mark6y i woule still like to come but if you not got room i understand :cheers:
mark6y curry sounds good to me and as midscpl says give us a shout if you need anything well be bring drinks with me anyway guys :beer:bolt
hi mark6y i would love to come a long to your party if i may i will look for your invite if you have room for one one that is guys :cheers:
just like to say merry christmas and happy new year to one and all xx tintintom
[color="blue"][/color]well guys tonites the nite lets all go there and have a bloody good time hope we all injoy see you all there have fun flipa:cheers:[color="darkblue"][/color][color="blue"][/color][color="darkblue"][/color][color="darkblue"][/color]
it will be so nice to meet all you guys at utopia on saturday :cheers::doggy:now its time to bolt
big thanks to kcmanc and madmanc for a great nite out in manchester it was so nice to meet up with all who made it had a great time cont wait for the next one hope you all got home safe :cheers::thumbup:wave
lac69 sorry to here you are leaving site for a few months plz come back soon xx tintintom xx :P
teecee sorry to here that you have had some problems with a single male member on sunday plz dont think that all males are the same as the ares that as give you problems i for one hope that you stay on site hope to chat to you soon till then take care xx tintintom xx
littel puss if there is room for just one more i would love to help you with the unwrapping and give you a lovly present hun :lick: :doggy: :P
nora jones shag shag then shag some more bill clinton ex usa president
steve mcqueen grate guy dont wont to shag him and dont wont to shoot him so ill move on to josh stone
sorry but i would have to shoot cybil shepherd but i would love to shag jennifer aniston [friends] :lick: :devil:
:clap:max i need to get a new pastport so i hope to make it keep me posted will you :doggy: :moon: and lets paarrrttttyyyyy :P
hi kath i would love to come a long to ur bbq and piss up hun that if you let me well i can live in hope babes :clap: :P love papa smurf
hi bean if there is room for one more i would love to come to your do :P :clap: lol
hi max n gareth if it ok with you guys ill be there you know me i love a good bbq so im in see you there cont wait :lick: :moon:
mo _si have lots and lots ov fun guys mo ur one hell ov a sexy lady hmmmmmmmmm :devil:
thanks for a great nite kel for inviteing me to ur birthday do i had a great nite it was nice to get to meet up with you kel n ian - razor- skylad-mo n si -macr n donna russ n devon - sorry if iv missed any one out ps jules ur mad girl but in a lovly way thanks agian kel :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :P garethmax i will try to get to ur camping weekend it will be so much fun but is tenby ready you you lot i dont think so but hay never mind will let you now for deffo if i cam get there soom have fun xx :doggy: :lick: :devil:
kel room now booket hun LETS PARTY xx lol :devil: :clap: :P Post edited 14-01-2007 0:48
message from bigbooty shell n ant would like to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new yr ps devon and kel shell says you two can ring her any time have fun peeps xx :devil:
james_1980 relax and dont try to hard it will come and as jayne-damian says changing ur profile may help out good luck m8 Post edited 03-12-2006 14:14
chris n jane hope you have fun at ur manchester meet guys be good no sod that go for it x x x tintin x x x :moon:
kel i would love to come to ur 30th birthday so plz plz plz count me in hun love tintin :devil: x x x x x x