I have never watched a Rugby match. But i now feel the need to do so. Anyone want to take me to one.
thats different cause you have talked to be before you perved me.
yeah but my profile says im not playing, so why do they add, in the hope that they are around when i change it.
This confuses me, this area on the site.I have peeps on my list as
1. I like to talk to them and so then can tell if they are in chat or not.
2. I like to perv there pics and its easier to find them, also its the folks i talk to.
3. when wanting to mail them its easier.
I aint got everyone on there as some people are in the chatroom most nights.
What im asking is that in the past week i think i have been added to, and im not joking 20 people favourites list. I aint even chatted to these people, they dont talk in chat, they dont mail and say why they added me, so really why have they.
Is it me thats using this part of the site wrong, or are people just hungry to have favourite people.
who??????? Is that Princess Ann's son.
get yer tits out serens
Oh sorry this aint the flirt thread
Bye then
nah. its not im only pulling yer plonker, so where you 18 the last time round then
but your a member since oct2005
unless im reading wrong
2005 the year of the newbie
I wont do it again i promise.
Thats not true, well yes maybe from a downward angle on cam, but never straight on.
Oi................. I asked a sensible question do you mind?
can anyone tell me how to delete items off of a usb key, they aint rude pics, i just want to put new ones on to take and show family. but i cant get the old ones deleted off.
im such a knob i know :doh::doh:
well since your asking, they can be done in two ways,
1. Quite mushy, my mum does believe in cooking her veg. And then you have to cover them in vinger, I have to admit when i cook them, i have them not so mushy.
2. The left overs (if you have any) cooked the next day, mushed up with Pots, and then fried, like a kind of Bubble and Speak type dish, hmmmmmmmmmmm yummy.
they are so many things you can so with them. Also love them with butter on,
are you still ill Fruits, Oh dear not good, I would seriously consider getting put down babes
hee hee only kidding, hope you get better soon.
we have a new duck, thank you to the very very kind Miss Funkydiva. We are going to have a nice bath tonight and test out its floatability. Heres hoping it can teach the other one how to do it.