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Dogging in Guernsey

Main dogging sites and directions for Guernsey.

St Peter Port

bathing pools guernsey lots of gay sex after 8pm most nights


sausmarez park

St Peter Port

Down patronnerie road by Intersurgical or in the ecar park @ cambridge park (duke of richmond end) also little vinery at balmoral estate :)))

St Peter Port

north beach

St Martin

Icart point car park and public toilets. Fri and Sat after 10.00pm is best. not a great deal of action but the occasional car or two. It's not exactly dogging but in the summer at low spring tide La Bette beach is quite good. One couple go there a lot and seem to love guys watching


the guet, car park in woods,follow couples into trees, wait to be invited thurs fri sat mainly. 9.30 onwards